Remember the days when going to the playground or enjoying indoor games with friends during childhood! There used to be a fixed time for playing and mothers used to call upon their children back to study or meals. Some children used to be so deeply involved in playing that they always wanted some time to play. The sports used to be the locally designed ones as well as the popular ones like cricket, basketball, hockey etc. Now, this is not everyone’s home’s story because modern children are not so much interested in sports.

During 90s when hand-video games and TV or computer-based video games were introduced, then every other day in the newspapers some articles based on their side-effects would appear. Parents used to warn their children and keep a check on their video game timings. However, technology went on to become more advanced and gaming and other techniques started ruling the internet at large. And as a result, the physical activities started losing their place in routine life. Let us see how gaming and technology is affecting the overall growth of children:

No Time for Playing Outside

Children come from school and after getting refreshed, they start playing games on mobile phones or other devices. They are in a rush as they need to do their school homework and so whatever free time they get, they try to utilise it in gaming or other apps. This causes a lack of natural exercise in children while playing. Unless any physical activity is taught in school and time for the same is dedicated there, many children lack the same at all.

Lesser Social Interactions

Children who are involved in their games and gadgets all the time, face a challenge in connecting with others in the real world. They tend to be shier and behave strangely while meeting people. This is because they are very less used to such interactions.

Effect on Eyesight

Children who stick to small or big screens for using social media or game apps might face problem with their eyesight. Eyes need relaxation, proper sleep, exercise and full care. While sticking to just one screen all the time, eyes might get tired and eyesight might become weak. Most of the children use phones or tablets continuously while lying in bed or sitting on sofa. These are not good postures for health of the eyes in the long run.

Hearing Problem

Use of headphones and earphones is common nowadays. To avoid outside world’s disturbance, children too use the same while playing games or listening to music. This is okay if one is using the same for a short time-period. But when one gets into a habit of using it more than required, then ears might get affected in terms of hearing. Irritation and pain in ears might also get caused due to the same. No matter one could use a hi-fi brand earphone or headphone, but excess use is never recommended to maintain the health parameters.

Strain in Neck

Not exercising properly, not going to play every day and only sitting in front of computer or using mobile is not good for anyone. Children are usually stronger and more flexible than adults. But a continuously same posture can affect their necks and cause strain. This can cause pain in neck and shoulders.

Weight Gain

Lack of physical activities due to extra involvement in technology causes children to gain weight. Being overweight since a small age is not good for health. Many cases of diabetes in children have been witnessed. This causes them to be unwell throughout their lives that is not a good sign!

Loss of Sleep

Excess use of technology causes restlessness and one can be always imagining about playing some new games and watching new series. It happens with children too and so they cannot sleep in time. Not sleeping in time causes a child to wake up late and get late for school. Even if he/she wakes up early after sleeping late in night, then also it is not good for health. The body needs everything, proper sleep, exercise, natural environment and a healthy diet. Thus, loss of sleep is affecting children’s health.

Weaker Calculation Skills

In earlier days, children could do maths sums just on the fingers. But situation has changed now. For every single calculation apart from that in classroom or tuition, children make use of calculator apps and thus they are not able to discover how good their calculation can be. These are small exercises like calculating orally, playing mathematical games etc., which could enhance the functioning of brain. Practicing these in daily lives is beneficial for doing well in subjects like mathematics and then accounts or science in future higher classes.